Interview with Logan Brown
What got you into music, and if you had not gotten into music what would you be doing today?
I come from a pretty musically appreciative family. No one really plays, but both my parents are big into smoking weed and blasting tunes so growing up in that environment I not only had a space where I was being exposed to cool stuff all the time, but also an environment where I learned to value the importance of music/art in general so I felt comfortable expressing myself with new music discoveries. In terms of what gave me the “bug” to become a performer, that credit goes to Guitar Hero 3 baby!
What do you like to do when you are not playing music and how does that influence your creativity?
Fake answer: Hang out with my friends, unwind/throw my controller at a tv with the latest Soulsbourne-like game, and exercise.
Real Answer: I have an incredibly difficult time existing as a human being outside of entertainment. I have friends, I enjoy things that don’t involve gigging or making music but I feel as though I’m adrift at sea unless I’m on stage. This sounds like I’m trying to be romantic but it is incredibly debilitating and an enormous point of pain in my life. Every day is a struggle to come to the realization that Logan the Person matters just as much as Logan the Entertainer, especially when I don’t like Logan the Person as much. This influences my creativity because I feel like writing and ranting is the only time these two selves get along.
How long have you been making music?
Well over a decade at this point. Maybe 14 years?
Where are you based out of and how did that influence your music?
I currently live in Ottawa but I feel like the Kingston scene influenced me more. There’s little money in Kingston. It’s too small and there are too many university students willing to play their first ever show for free in some coffee shop where they bring 200 friends (boy that’s a big coffee shop). In order to get paid I had to be really freakin’ good. I didn’t do any post secondary, I just locked myself in my room for 6-8 hours a day and practiced. Now that I live in Ottawa I can enjoy the fruits of my labour by actually making decent money as a sideman, solo artist, and comedian.
Tell me about your most memorable shows, if you haven’t played live what is your vision for a live show?
My album recording is probably one of the best moments of my life. 35 minutes of silly songs and stand-up comedy surrounded by friends and family. It was truly a magnificent experience that almost didn’t happen for one reason or another. I recently did a gig where I got my first standing ovation, and that was pretty emotional. I’m not good at stopping and smelling the roses, so any gig experience that helps me do that immediately gets added to the “best day(s) ever” list.
What is your favorite venue to play at, and do you have any places you want to play that you have not already?
The Laugh Lounge in Ottawa is my favourite. Places I want to play? I don’t know, maybe Madison Square Garden…
If you could play any show with any lineup, who would be on the ticket?
Bobby Knauff, Mike Rita, Sandra Battaglini, Rebecca Reeds, Ryan Williams, Danny Martinello
That’s a long show I have no business being on, but if it ever happens that gets added to the “best day(s) ever” list.
What is some advice that you would give to someone who is just getting into making music and some advice that you would give to your younger self?
Advice to new musicians; get your why sorted out. If you don’t know what to ask from music/comedy you’ll just be throwing spaghetti at a wall until we find you in a ditch somewhere. Also don’t lie to yourself and say you do it for other people. You do it for yourself, just own up to it so you can move on and avoid wasting your therapists’ time. Also learn some theory, at the very least your intervals for crying out loud.
Advice to myself; you have Autism and ADHD. You feel weird and unfriendly because of it, don’t worry you get diagnosed before your 30’s. Enjoy being scared of loud noise and eye contact throughout your adolescence bud.
Of your songs which one means the most to you and why?
The song is called “Just Kidding” . It's my current closer and the first time something I actually found funny translated well to an audience. Normally what makes me laugh is too weird for people.
Which songs are your favorite to play and which get requested the most?
If you can print this my tune “The Handjob Song” is a ton of fun to play. If not, “Just Kidding” is also so much fun. What gets requested the most is a song called “Secret Burger” however.
What is your creative process, and what inspires you to write your music?
I’m a noodler so I write most of my stuff by singing into voice notes when I drive and then figuring it out later. I’m inspired by anything I find funny. Whether it’s genitals or cheeseburgers. Thinking too much about it ruins the magic and gives me an inflated sense of self-importance.
Do you have messages that you like to get across in your music, if so please tell me about them?
None at all. I’m not here to change your mind about politics or connect with my audience over shared trauma. Just laugh or don’t laugh.
What are your plans for the future, and do you have anything that you want to spotlight that is coming up?
I have a full band comedy show at Live On Elgin in Ottawa October 29th! All my comedy songs performed with a full ensemble, electrified! Support from Puppet/Alien Andre The Alien, Glenys Marshall, and the Hill Bros
How can your fans best keep up to date with you, any socials you want people to check out?
I’m on all socials @logandoingstuff as well as !